What to do after your master's degree in marketing

What to Do After Your Master’s Degree in Marketing? – GyanLife

Accessible as part of work-study or traditional training the master’s degree in marketing is a highly qualified diploma. Completing 5 years of higher education often in a communications school or business school allows its holders to obtain a job with high potential.

Discover the possible career opportunities after a master’s degree in marketing. What to do after your master’s degree in marketing

A digital marketing manager or community manager

In digital marketing professions, you can become a “multitask” manager. The goal is to gain more customers and a large market share. To do this, the Digital manager will be responsible for several activities.

These include the competition study and benchmark, the determination of the marketing strategy and the budget necessary for a project, the planning of the professionals’ agenda, the establishment of specifications, etc.

In addition, a graduate with a master’s degree in marketing can also occupy the position of a community manager in a digital company. His job consists of leading a community of followers including potential customers on social media. It ensures the visibility and promotion of products or services to these networks.

He must have an excellent mastery of Internet communication codes, a developed reflex, and sharp reactivity. He must know the interests of these followers to gain their attention. In short, the community manager must monitor the reaction of customers and followers from publications on social media. [What to do after your master’s degree in marketing]

Media planner or communications manager

Unlike the community manager, the Media planner must act upstream. He is responsible for launching advertising campaigns in old media and on the Web.

In coordination with the team he manages, the Media Planner must discuss with the client director and the advertising manager to achieve the communication objectives and define the appropriate media (TV, radio, press, billboards, mobile). , Internet, etc.).

He will then have to take care of the content and distribution. That said, the holder of a master’s degree in marketing can also become a communications manager. He is therefore responsible for the company’s internal and external communications. It must attract and retain customers. His work revolves around 3 axes: the press, clients, and institutional notoriety.

He must improve the company’s image in the market by implementing a communication strategy. To do this, he must collaborate with the sales and marketing director. He must choose the most relevant media and messages.

For the company’s notoriety, he organizes press conferences and coordinates the development of the showroom and the corresponding activities (photos, visits, etc.). [What to do after your master’s degree in marketing]

Traffic manager or event project manager

At the crossroads of data sciences and digital marketing, the Traffic manager is best placed to develop commercial strategies on the Net. Its main missions consist of monitoring and analyzing Internet user traffic as well as site visits.

By controlling the audience, it is easy to determine targets, build customer loyalty on the Web, and optimize the operation of the site on a commercial level. All these tasks are carried out by monitoring precise algorithms and certain quantified indices (the number of page views, unique visitors, clicks, etc.).

This precise data on customer behavior allows the Traffic manager to have his notoriety to make decisions in any digital strategy. In addition to digital, the master’s degree in marketing also prepares the student to integrate other fields. Indeed, he has the opportunity to become a project manager where he must ensure the planning and implementation of all events initiated by the company.

This can be webinars, conferences, partnership meetings, conferences, etc. He must therefore choose the location, the external speakers, plan the meals, etc. For the organization, he can get help from the entire marketing department team.

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